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Earthlore Mystery of Lost and Forgotten History: Profile of Dr. William Theaux
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MysteryDr. William Theaux, a native of France, is a noted Psychiatrist, Ecologist, and Founder of the doctrine of Plural Analysis. He has spent the last 20 years investigating and revealing the mystery surrounding the three stages of the life of Akhnaton, who lived about 1300 BCE

MysteryDr. Theaux has published several books on the subject and is respected as an expert in this field.

Earthlore Historic Mysteries: Pharaoh Akhnaton

MysteryDr. Theaux's Theory of Plural Analysis' was developed as a new technique to foster a greater connection with our environment. It operates as a group dynamic to empower ecological progress. It is a psychological process which looks to positive social interaction as a precursor to constructive environmental behavior. A simple look at ecology reveals that, at first, it is a reflection of memory. To understand the present, we must study the past, and so Dr. Theaux's call to the Akhnaton mystery.

AKHNATON - The Main Characters

  • AMENOPHIS III - The wealthiest Pharaoh of Egypt and father of Akhnaton

  • NEFERTITI - Famous and beautiful Egyptian Queen and wife of Akhnaton

  • TUTANKHAMON - Egyptian Pharaoh and son of Akhnaton. His is the only preserved dynastic tomb discovered by Egyptologists

  • RAMSES II - Acclaimed Egyptian politician and warrior who perpetuated the destruction and erasure of all evidence and memory of the Akhnaton reign.

  • MOSES - Prophet of the Hebrews. According to the Bible, a Hebrew reared in the Royal Court of Egypt. After killing an Egyptian soldier, he fled Egypt. In exile, he found his calling from God. He would free his people from slavery and deliver the laws which established God's covenant with them.

  • OEDIPUS - The mythical son of Laius and Jocasta, who fulfills a fatalistic prophecy by killing his father and marrying his mother. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote "Oedipus and Akhnaton" which puts forth a compelling theory that the Greek character Oedipus was actually Akhnaton.

  • The first stage:

    • Akhnaton - Pharaoh of Egypt.

  • The second stage:

    • Akhnaton - Prophet of the Hebrews.

  • The third stage:

    • Akhnaton - A founder of Athenian culture.

Earthlore Historic Mysteries: Queen Nefertiti

The Setting

MysteryAll of these characters lived somewhere between 1400 BCE and 1200 BCE This was a most significant period in the 3,000 year Egyptian history. A brief, but brilliant era that preceded the final decline and fall of the Egyptian empire.

MysteryPharaoh Akhnaton, promoted a social-cultural revolution, and initiated the monotheistic religion (Atonism) in Egypt. At the peak of Egypt's power, Akhnaton reigned as an impressive creator and philosophical renovator. He installed sweeping changes in many areas of Egyptian society and religion.

MysteryDuring the apex of the turmoil created through these monumental changes, Akhnaton suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. His body was never found. This, along with the attempt by his successors to abolish all memory and links to him, only increases the mystery. All mention of Akhnaton was erased from Egyptian historical records and it was forbidden to even utter his name. It was during this time period, 1300-1350 BCE, that Moses appeared in the Sinai.

MysteryFREUD wrote a book about his theory of Akhnaton and Moses. He put forth the theory that Moses had been the disciple of, and took religious training from a Pharaoh called Akhnaton. Freud's theory did not rule out the possibility that Moses could have, in fact, been Akhnaton.

MysteryBy the middle of the 20th century, there was speculation as to the possibility that Moses and Akhnaton were, in fact, the same person.

Earthlore Historic Mysteries: Queen Tiy

MysteryAccording to Egyptologists, Akhnaton's mother was Queen Tiy, who was a Hebrew, making Akhnaton a Hebrew. This is a significant element for support of the theory of Akhnaton reappearing in the Sinai as Moses.

MysteryImmanuel Velikovsky, a noted scientist, wrote of his views on the Akhnaton Mystery. He speculated that the three plays about Oedipus that Sophocles wrote about 400 BCE, actually described the life of Akhnaton. This theory would have us believe that Akhnaton fled from Egypt, made his way to the Sinai, left the Hebrews with a scripture and laws, then fled further north to initiate Theseus, the founder of Athens.

MysteryTo assimilate these ideas one must see them rejuvenating and invigorating the future; a catalyst for a new perspective on our future and possibly our environment.


William Theaux
Biographical Timeline


Born in Paris

Enters Catholic High School

Begins Studying the Writings of Psychologist Sigmund Freud

Enters University Majoring in Psychoanalysis
(Lacanian School)

Meets F.Lefebure

Receives Degree
M.D. / Paris

Receives Doctorate
Ph.D. Psychiatry, Paris

Establishes Practice in Lyon, France

Provides Jungian Psychoanalysis

Publishes the book: 'Theaux' on the psychological implications of Artificial Intelligence

Initiates the Psychological association UNEFPE;
Develops the system: 'Plural Analysis'

Develops the theory: 'Akhnaton = Moses' - Expanded further to include the parallels with Oedipus;
Develops the theory of: 'The Physiology of Meditation'

1986 - 1992
Authors fifteen books on subjects ranging from; Linguistics; Genetics; Mass Psychology; Politics; Ecology; History (Religion, Egypt and Psychoanalysis) and the Physio-anatomy of Libido

Suffers professional and legal persecution related to public revelation of theories

Ceases practicing analysis in order to devote more time to investigating theories, leaves post at UNEFPE, begins three years of travels

Experiences a breakthrough discovery in London while researching the lore of Hermes Trismegistus, pointing to direct identification with the Pharaoh Akhnaton; while in London, meets with Ahmad Osman

Travels to New Zealand; Speaks at the United Nations before the SEAT organization

Relocates to New York City; Establishes a forum on the Internet to promote dialogue
on theories on the

Establishes the CYBEK Foundation for research in Genetics

Settles in Sarasota, Florida;
Authors 'The Veil' with Z. Kelper

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